Edina High School Class of 1969
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Edina High School Class of 1969 - Guestbook

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Diane Lynn Fallden Schneider - 03-24-2021
What a delight it was to look at pictures of the 50th High School Reunion of Edina High.  Such wonderful people in those photos.  Wish I could have been there, but we just could not make it.  We lived in Minnesota till 2005 and then moved to Arizona for 15 years.  In Arizona we loved living in Scottsdale in Grayhawk.  However, people were flooking in there from California and other states.  So the city I had moved to is not the same as when we came.  Also the air of Scottsdale has really gotten bad in the summer but no one wants to talk about it.  So we are in the process of moving to NE Dallas, where there is clean air, water and beautiful forests and prairies. A special memory that lived with me my entire life was when President Kennedy was shot and I remember the teacher asking us to pray for our country. Bobby Britten bowed his head and prayed out loud for our country and our president. He was crying but I was watching a person share his heart.  I never forget what a wonderful impression that moment left in my heart on a day in 6th grade at Wooddale Grade School.  If you ever get to NE Dallas and want to visit over coffee, call me at 480-294-2900.  
Suzanne Grenell - 04-13-2019
I'm alive!

And I won the class clown in junior high math.
Colleen Hitchcock - 04-02-2019
Hi, Everybody, I love life in Scottsdale, Arizona and am not sure I can come back for the Reunion, but if not, I will be there in spirit.  I own Scottsdale Hypnosis (scottsdlaehypnosis.com) and Scottsdale Hypnosis Institute (BeAHypnotist.com)  so I train people to become hypnotists and have a training class right around then.

I loved high school and often think of you all, so would love to see you or hear from you.  I hope you all have a ball, and if I can, I hope to surprise you!

Love you!  Colleen Corah Hitchcock
Karen Morine-Osborne - 03-29-2019
Would like to hear about the 59th reunion
Catherine( Cavie)  Delaney Fischer - 03-20-2019
My first husband,  Harry Russell Kennelly died July 3 2017, We were not married then  but I thought he should be remembered.   Also Dean Slama has passed away.  I may not make it this year as we have an RV ans will be traveling!
nancy zalusky berg - 03-11-2019
I am sure Kathy Edmond will get me to go
Tina Edwards Feigal - 02-04-2019
I look forward to seeing everyone in July!  
Rick (Frederick) Oftel - 12-31-2018
So it's been 50 short years since high school graduation.  I came to a previous reunion and realized that there truly were not a bunch of my classmates trying to get in touch.  It was a two day event.  I recall but did not partake in the 'dance' they setup in the old Munsingwear building.  The food was fine.

I was never very popular, not a jock, didn't get great grades, had trouble with assignments and as such so you probably don't remember me.  I tried college a couple of times, pretended to be a hippy, endured a series of horrible jobs and multiple marriages.  Finally I pulled it together and spent 33 years at a great company that allowed me to retire comfortably.
Life has been very interesting.  I've lost a bunch of old friends and made many new ones along the way.  I realized that the twin cities was getting too crowded so I moved to Bayfield where I started sailing and continued  driving the old Harley.  I'm currently watching a small blizzard outside our living room.  When the wind gusts, it seems like we're living in a giant snow globe.  I always said if I made it 50 years, I'll return for a second reunion.  Hope to see you this summer.  

Rick Oftel
Linda Scott Ryan - 05-24-2017
I'd love to hear about any plans for a 50th reunion
Steve Richardson - 09-21-2014
Went to my 45th High School (Edina69) tonight.  Never prouder to be an Edina 'kid'!  Class of 1969, you made me proud tonight!  I am pleased to identify myself with such a fine group of people!  I wish you all well and hope to see you at the 50th (or hopefully before!)!!  Blessings on you all!
Debby (Foley) Hertel - 10-10-2010
Sorry to have missed the 40th reunion. I just discovered this well done website. I am back living in the states now. Thanks to my former neighbor Lee Otis for several years ago tracking me down, only to have me missing again when I moved to the Dominican Republic for several years. I do plan on attending the 2014 reunion if possible! I have been married for 37 years, live in Reno,Nevada, work still as an Occupational Therapist in adult rehab.(just love it!). I have lived 15 years total overseas, mostly in S.America. We have 3 children, 2 of whom are married. Also have one grandson! Looking forward to seeing you the next reunion. Debby
Marci Matson - 03-27-2010

The Edina History Museum is working on an exhibit about the 150 year history of Edina's ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS.

We want to show our elementary school visitors how going to school has changed and stayed the same throughout the years: e.g. School buses started as a horse-drawn covered wagon then went to  Packard limousine to the familiar yellow ones of today.

We hope your class can help by loaning or donating great school photos -- we want to do a timeline with kids' photos on the first day of school. Did your mom snap a photo of you as you left the house or stepped on the bus? We want it!

We also want stuff like school projects to add to our penmanship exercises from the 1880s, lunch boxes, favorite games or toys, clothing, etc. I'm also looking for memories and stories from every class about their favorite teacher, favorite (or most hated) school lunch, school subjects and more.

You will know more than I do what tells the story of your elementary school days. (I just received a 'slam shirt' in the mail -- I didn't even know there was such a thing.)

Please help spreading the word. Maybe there's a pack rat - uh, history collector -- among you who can help show today's youngsters about life in Edina during the past decades.

For more information, email me at edinahistory@yahoo.com or call the museum at 612-928-4577.

Thank you!

Marci Matson, Executive Director
Edina Historical Society
4711 West 70th Street
Edina, MN 55435
William  Halsey  Kennedy - 02-20-2010
I missed the last two reunions and gladly stumbled upon this site.  I so appreciate the experience at Edina, and the quality first class social and educational growth.  Many skills, and a few great buddies came first from class of '69 in my memory even above those of college.  My writing skills are attributible to Mrs Schultz.  

Well, thankyou,
Rob Britton (no longer short) - 08-05-2009
'40 years, Mackenzie, 40 years is a long time.'  I was speaking with our gray Cairn Terrier last night, still marveling, three weeks later, at the EHS Class of '69 reunion.  Mac turned around and seemed to grin, then continued skittering along Bryan Blvd.  

What a joy, and a blessing, to be able to get back together with classmates.  Looking at the photos of Hornets no longer with us, and speaking with classmates who had lived through a range of health and other struggles amplified that sense.  And in a flash it was midnight, late for this grandfather, and I still didn't get a chance to talk with folks I spotted across the room.  

One could not say thank you enough to the organizing committee, and thanks in advance for the possibility of a 45th in 2014.  

With every good wish,
Rob Britton
Chris MacPhail - 07-19-2009
To the amazing reunion committee: THANK YOU!

I know you had some fun doing it, but it also had to be a huge amount of work. We're lucky to have such an enthusiastic and effective group making it all happen. You deserve a huge round of applause.

I hope everyone will spread the word and encourage the 'missing' to be on the committee's contact list and join the fun next time.

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